The Box (2008)

The Box (2008)


Brad wakes to find his little brother Jeff, missing.

(TwilightFest 08)

Starring: Mat Raney & Tristin Koppie
Written by: Mat Raney
The other stuff by: Justin R. Durban

See the DVX Thread with BTS and more stills

Some before/after FX shots:…7&postcount=80

BTS Explanation of Some shots and more about the film…4&postcount=82

About the FILM:

The shoot was just me and Mat Raney and my 5 year old nephew, and my 11 month old son.

Tristin (the 5 year old boy) was the set photographer. I gave him my
camera to go shoot pictures. Half the shots were pictures of the carpet
and his toy cars. I took a few myself, but the rest was him.

The biggest lesson i learned was Audio, audio, audio. For now on out,
I’m not doing a shoot without a proper mic, and someone to sit there and
make sure all audio levels are good to go. what a nightmare that was on
the editing room. I did the best I could. Oh well. live and learn.


Mat Raney doubling the role of baby sitting while shooting his scene.
You’ll notice his tone is: “shhhh quiet….” in the film. That’s because
he’s got my son, Myndin in his lap. Notice the milk bottle on the
little lamp table?

This was another shot of just china balls and a household outdoor flood
light. Myndin is in his playpin and babbled the entire time.

“The BOX” was shot with the canon HV20 with Twoneil’s Deluxe 35 mm adapter.

Since the adpater inverts the image, this was my stance throughout the
film. Looking at a tv monitor upside down. And… sometimes holding the
baby during mat’s lines to keep him quiet and content…

This was the TV monitor on the ground with the inverted image from the camera…

Mat Raney (aka the Writer) poses. HV20 OTS

Ha!! Yes.. this was our “Green and Purple” screen. The green was a
dragon blanket of Myndin’s hung over our outside fence. Word of advice..
don’t try and key out purple… Specially when the purple doesn’t
extend all the way to the ground.

The “Ant” shot.

Tristin was being a punk here. He kept walking in front of the camera
and was snapping pictures while filming with the flash. So, I had to
take the camera away from him. this was his, “I Don’t like you anymore”
pose. Canon HV20 with the Twoneil Deluxe 35 mm adapter in the

A few more stills and some before/afters..

The green screen was actually a 4×6 Kids Dragon Blanket from Ikea that we had laying around for the Myndin’s cousins.

And the Final Shot:

All in all, i hope you like our little film. It was definitely a last
minute idea after my first script fell through due to locations and time
constraints with all the 3d effects and green screen work. So, this was
a product of what happens when you have the itch to make a movie.
