The Adventures of Sam Wolf (2016)

The Adventures of Sam Wolf (2016)

Nothing has prepared Sam for the darkness and tragedy ahead. As the master-in-training of another world, and just a struggling teen on Earth, Sam must overcome the challenges of power, responsibility, dating, and brotherhood.

Sam Wolf, a teenager who discovers that he has the extraordinary ability to transport to another dimension/forest planet, must overcome in the midst of a terrible tragedy. Balancing the needs of his boyfriend (played by Sokheang Ty), coping with the bullying of his older brother (played by Monty Geer), and maintaining the stability of his forest world overwhelms and challenges Sam like never before. Helped by his mother (played by Heather Tom), father (played by Dan Gauthier), and mentor (played by Teri Andrez), Sam embarks on a journey to fix his mistakes and keep his forest world safe.


Written and Directed by: Skye Walin
Starring: Ian Wallentine, Monty Geer, Teri Andrez, Dan Gauthier, & Heather Tom
Cinematographer: John Hafner
Music by: Justin R. Durban

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