Tag Archives: E.J. Enriquez

[vimeo]https://vimeo.com/12178345[/vimeo] Living amongst the ruins of the Dust Bowl and in the absence of a mother who has fled, Claire longs for freedom from a father who blames her for the family’s misfortunes. Written/Directed/Produced by: Ashley and Leslie Saunders Cinematography and Editing by: E.J. Enriquez Music by: Justin R. Durban Nominated for the 2010 ASC Student Heritage Award, 2010 Kodak Scholarship Program by the University of Texas RTF Department and for Los Angeles Reel Film Festival Best Cinematography Award. Camera: Panavision Panaflex GII Lenses: Super Speed MKII’s Film Stock: Kodak Vision 3, 5219 and Kodak Vision 3, 5207  
