About STR
It is nearly ten years after Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant, and the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation’s main suppliers of dilithium crystals are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, effectively isolating them from any contact with outside worlds. And this phenomenon is not natural – someone or something is causing this to happen. This necessitates drastic measures; some of which are outside the Federation’s normal jurisdiction. For this, Admiral Pavel Chekov, head of Starfleet Intelligence, turns to Commander Tuvok, Voyager’s former security officer and current head of the newly reorganized Section 31. Tuvok must put together a new covert, renegade crew – mostly outcasts and rogues – even criminals. This new crew is tasked with finding out what is causing the folding of time and space, and stopping it – at all costs. But will they be able to put aside their differences and stop trying to kill one another in time to accomplish their mission?
375k budget
600+ vfx shots (only 6 vfx artists)
13 shooting days.
Official Movie Website: https://www.startrekrenegades.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93HHl05BqY8Jj3piG92HOg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STRtheSeries
- Star Trek veteran composer, Dennis McCarthy wrote some additional music to the film. Can you hear it?
- Not only did I write the music to the film, but I also designed both iterations of the STR official website, Graphic Design on many of the marketing materials and was a contributing VFX artist on the Icarus Starship; LCARS panels. (Which, if you get the BluRay check out some of wording on some of the panels. Muahahahah.)
- I had contacts with the local symphony orchestra to perform the score but I was still revising music up until the last 2 weeks before of the premiere. (edit changes, tweaks, etc.)
- My wife was going to provide vocals for the project as well, but see comment above.
- The first battle sequence has 5 version/variations.
- Never once on this project, had communications directly with the director. (nor OGAM for that matter)
- The first pass was wall to wall of music. I had to kill quite a bit and pull back completely to not fill it back up. The hardest part of a composer is when not to write music. Something I’m still desperately trying to master.
- There was only one scene where I consciously wrote an homage back to the original Trek Films… And that music cue didn’t make the final cut of the film.
**Update** 08.10.15
Want to Play a Game? Follow the score in Piano roll!!
**Update** 07.01.15
I attended the Star Trek: Renegades premier in Los Angeles, CA @ Crest Theatre! 2 sold out shows!
**Update** 09.13.14
Star Trek: Renegades score v1 is done! Working a few nights here and there on my free time, v1 of the score is complete.
**Update** 05.01.14
Star Trek: Renegades score is now underway!
**Update** 03.15.13
Star Trek: Renegades website launched. Outer shell design by me. 🙂 www.startrekrenegades.com
**Update** 11.20.12
Star Trek: Renegades surpassed the $200,000 target funding on Kickstarter.
An exciting new adventure from the creators of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men. Boldly going where no Trek has gone before!
- Launched: Sep 27, 2012
- Funding ended: Nov 26, 2012
It has been seven long years since Enterprise left the air, and though we’ve had the recent big screen adaptation of Gene Roddenberry’s futuristic vision (and the sequel coming next year), we feel the true home of Star Trek is as a continuing episodic series. The goal of this project is to make that happen.
We, the team who brought you Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, are proud to announce Star Trek: Renegades, a professionally produced pilot intended for presentation to CBS as a possible online series.
This film will be funded by the generous donations of fans from around the world. All monies will go directly to the costs of making this high quality broadcast pilot. It is our hope that CBS finds “Star Trek: Renegades” to be a worthy endeavor and will continue the Star Trek franchise and legacy as an online episodic series (or on their own broadcast or cable network).
Should CBS pass on Star Trek: Renegades, we will explore all avenues to release the film on a strictly non-profit basis. If we are successful, we would like to produce future episodes via donations and release them, also as non-profit, since we have a five year story arc planned.
Along with scoring the music for the project I also created all the promotional artwork for the KS Campaign, mailing list and promotional material. (note: (Hetoryn did the above trailer music))

Enjoy the project 🙂
STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc. This website, the promotion thereof and/or any exhibition of material created by the operators of this website are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.