Terms of Use

Please Note: Purchasing the eAlbums, .mp3s or CDs does not allow one the right to use this music for commercial purposes. (ie TV/Film trailers, feature films, slideshows, products, advertising, campaigns, DVD sales, etc.) If you wish to use the music commercially please contact me first. I’m sure we can work something out that will benefit both of us. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask.


I figured I should write a little “Terms of Use” page to help clarify what people can and cannot do with my music and artwork. If in doubt, please email me. Here’s a few of them.

  • :: You may NOT use my music for commercial purposes. This means any project that has the potential to make money. If you do win a film festival for instance, I hope you are gracious enough to share the wealth. Not-For-Profit projects are OK, but not all tracks are available for use. Please email me first if you have questions or suggestions for usage. Otherwise… Let’s Make A Deal. Demo Reels are cool. (just, please keep me in mind for future work)
  • :: You may NOT use my music under any circumstances for any adult related projects. IE: pornography, etc. My 400 lbs lawyer will hunt you down if you do.
  • :: You may NOT use my remixes for your commercial project. Which includes, my Last of the Mohicans, Star Wars, Terminator, HALO, Final Fantasy or any other remix I do in the future.
  • :: You may NOT use music that has been used in a specific game title, or Original Music for any feature movie, short film, or commercial audio work. (ie, SS:2845, LIVE, or Custom Film Scores)
  • :: You may NOT use my artwork except for your own private and personal use. I encourage you to use my wallpapers if you like, but please do not pawn it off as your own. You will eventually get busted, and you’ll feel like a dum dum afterwards. If you have questions about something specific, email me.
  • :: You may NOT remix my music or loops with your project. You must contact me directly before hand. IE. rap, techno, trance, country, r&b.. etc. Respect my work enough not to throw a beat on top and call it your own.
  • :: If you use my alien sketches as a basis for your 3D modeling, please be sure to give the proper credits back to the original sketch. I love seeing my work come ‘alive’.
  • :: Can I use your loop/music in my Hip/Hop/Rap album even though I don’t plan on selling it now, but I plan on selling it in a few years and make millions apon millions of dollars?… no. so don’t even ask. If you are unsure, email me first.


Bottom line… I’d rather see my music being used to its fullest potential other than allowing it to collect dust on my Hard Drive. My goal is to spread my work across the world and if someone along the way “feels it”… My goal has suceeded. Hopefully they will feel me again when they’ve got a massive budget at their finger tips and would like to support my little gifts for their own custom project. (or they know someone who knows someone who knows someone else who knows the person with the big bucks)

All my music is available for license and/or purchase. If you purchase the track, you will own it to use it however and how much you will without additional royalties.

If you want custom music, it can be arranged and pricing can be discussed at that given moment.

You may use my music for your project as long as it is not-for-profit. Would you like someone to use your hard work for free and neglect to tell them? Of course not! I would hope that if you sell your film, you would find it in the goodness of your heart to share the wealth just as I have shared mine with you. If you do decide to use my music and then sell it… I’ve got a 400 lbs gorilla lawyer you really don’t want to mess with. When it doubt, email me and we can discuss an extended terms of use.

If you do use my music for your project, please specify in the credits:

Music by (or title of track)
Justin R. Durbanwww.justindurban.com

If your project will be listed on IMDB.com, please make sure you list me as the composer and as, “Justin R. Durban”. The “R.” is very important. My dad’s first name is Richard and he’s one of my biggest fans and extremely supportive of my career.

.. Lastly, a request to you. If you find my music out there, and it doesn’t have a link back to my work, I ask that you let me know about it. I’m not a snitch and if we can avoid a lawsuit, I’m all for it. I would just like for that person to know that I know. 🙂

OK? Great. Got it. good. Questions? Check my faq first, and then email if you still can’t find the answer. If I don’t answer.. keep trying. I’m probably sleeping or outside getting myself a few shades darker or out playing with my kids.