Category Archives: Music

*NOTE: Contains Graphic Scenes* [vimeo][/vimeo] Produced by: Mark Johnson, Luis Sinibaldi, Tim Hyten (Fat Monster Films) Directed/Edited: Tim Hyten Boom Op: Blaine Golden Shot by: Matthew Garrett Grip/Gaffer/Superpimp: Geoff Reisner Makeup: Marina Mestaz Score composed by: Justin R. Durban Sound Design: Brad Semenoff *Winner – 1st place @ Cast: Rochelle Valles – Tim Abell – David Lloyd Wilson Shot on GH1 with Anamorphic Lenses

Tagline: Our technology should be shared with the world, Elizabeth. Not One. Short Synopsis: Time is Running out for Robert Cristo’s wife, Elizabeth. Together, they have been secluded from society while Robert has desperately continued his nanotechnology research fused with advanced robotics that will aid in her cure. (QuestFest 09) *Top 8 Finalist @ (6th place) (2009) Short Film Synopsis: Time is Running out for Robert Cristo’s wife, Elizabeth. Together, they have been secluded from society while Robert has desperately continued his nanotechnology research fused with advanced robotics that will aid in her cure. Tagline: Our technology should be shared with the world, Elizabeth. Not One. Cast: Elizabeth Cristo: Nicholle Walton Robert Cristo: John Hafner Dr. William Mahlen: Bob Maccarni Soldier1: Dave Rutledge Soldier2:  Matthew Ramsaur Crew: Directed by: Justin R. Durban Written, Edited, VFX, SFX, Score, Produced by: Justin R. Durban Co-Producer / Super Grip: Jon Sheets Sound…

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“A Sci-Fi Short filmed at the Laurel Canyon Studios. The project stars Tim Abell, Ana Alexander, and Todd Lowe and deals with the decision that Tim’s and Ana’s characters have to make when stranded in space on a ship that is losing oxygen fast. “O2″ has won a few awards already and we hope will continue to entertain audiences. This piece is intended to be a Sci-Fi series. We are working with some seasoned writers and it is currently in the hands of some VPs at a few networks for consideration. (Wish us luck!)” –Fat Monster Crew Directed by: Tim Hyden [vimeo][/vimeo] Music by: Justin R. Durban [singlepic id=280 w= h= float=none]

This was my final project for my studies at the university of applied sciences Mainz, Germany. I created it with guidance from Prof. Mike Orthwein. [vimeo][/vimeo] Music composed by Justin R. Durban

[youtube][/youtube] – The new trailer for Sci Fi animated movie, “Battle For Terra” uses Justin’s music for their recent trailer release. The movie was originally called, “Terra” but was renamed after Lionsgate picked it up. You can hear the cue, “Battlestations” at 1:42 to the end. “Battle For Terra” – courtesy of or or View it Here @ Trailer addict : or Apple Quicktime Trailer: website: (Licensed through X-Ray Dog Music)

Two American soldiers are forced to navigate through enemy territory in order to regroup with the rest of their unit after being cut off by a German advance. [vimeo][/vimeo] Short Film produced in 2009. Music by: Justin R. Durban [wpspoiler name=”Poster” ][/wpspoiler]
