Synopsis: A man attains all of his dreams, only to find out that the cost is the unrealized future of…
Films I’ve directed
Bits and Pieces (2009)
(MonsterFest 09) “Bits and Pieces” Created for the MonsterFest 09. Awards: 2nd Place Jury Panel @ 3rd Place…
Mahlen (2009)
Tagline: Our technology should be shared with the world, Elizabeth. Not One. Short Synopsis: Time is Running out for Robert…
The Box (2008)
Synopsis Brad wakes to find his little brother Jeff, missing. (TwilightFest 08) Starring: Mat Raney & Tristin Koppie Written by:…
Craven (2008)
Synopsis: A vampire as roommate. Starring Manuel Matshka, Matt Thompson, and Susan Laine Directed by: Justin R. Durban Music by:…
Solecism (2008)
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5… A young man with and his new family undergo daily struggles and obstacles in…