The Round Rock (2021) "A Brave Man Reposes in Death" A boy meets up with a girl at a local landmark and recalls the...
Ornament (2020) "A young girl and her family experience a peculiar holiday and she must overcome her differences by seeing things from...
Cage (2020) "While babysitting, something lurks outside." This film created for the stuck at home 48 #5 - May 22nd - 24th,...
Autumn Mist (2020) "Beyond the Autumn mist, a young boy finds friendship in the most peculiar way." This film created for the stuck...
Median (2020) “An anchoritic man finds a reminiscent package on his doorstep.” This film created for the stuck at home 48 #3…
Jo Jo Black (2020) "A young boy wishes to join the elite squad to protect planet Earth. When his grandfather forbids him to leave...